11 b Kennedy Street
Hamilton, Victoria 3300
ph: 0429 608863
fax: 55721252
Hamilton Trees nursery provides and complete range of native vegetation for the South West of Victoria. A large range of trees are available from the nursery as well as guards and stakes.
Additional Environmental Planning Services are also available via Hamilton Tree Services - See below
Botanical name | Common Name |
Acacia baileyana | cootamundra wattle |
Acacia longifolia | sallow wattle |
Acacia mearnsii | Black wattle |
Acacia melanoxylon | blackwood |
Acacia paradoxa | Hedge wattle |
Acacia pycnantha | goldern wattle |
Acacia stricta | Hop wattle |
Acacia retinodes | wirilda |
Acacia verniciflora | varnish |
Acacia verticillata | prickly moses |
Allocasuarina muelleriana | Slaty sheoak |
Allocasuarina verticillata | coastal drooping sheoak |
Bursaria spinosa | Sweet busaria |
Callistemon citrinus | crimson bottlebrush |
Callistemon pallidus | lemon bottle brush |
Callistemon rugulosa | scarlet bottlebrush |
Callistemon salignus | willow bottle brush |
Casuarina cunninghamiana | river sheoak |
Casuarina glauca | swamp sheoak |
Corymbia citridora | lemon scented gum |
Corymbia Maculata | spotted gum |
Eucalyptus alpina | Grampians gum |
Eucalyptus aromaphloia | scented bark |
Eucalyptus baxteri | brown stringybark |
Eucalyptus cladocalyx | sugar gum |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis | river red gum |
Eucalyptus kitsoniana | bog gum |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon | yellow gum |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon megalocarpa | yellow gum |
Eucalyptus melliodora | yellow box |
Eucalyptus caesia | Silver Princess |
Eucalyptus scoperia | Wallangarra White gum |
Eucalyptus nicholii | willow leave peperment |
Eucalyptus obliqua | messmate |
Eucalyptus occidentalis | swamp yate |
Eucalyptus ovata | swamp gum |
Ecu Platypus | Moort |
Eucalyptus pauciflora | snow gum |
Eucalyptus saligna | sydny blue gum |
Eucalyptus sideroxylon | reb iron bark |
Eucalyptus sideroxylon Tri | reb iron bark |
Eucalyptus viminalis | manna gum ribbon |
Eucalyptus viminalis cygnetensis | Rough bark manna gum |
Eucalyptus Willisii | shining peperment |
Hakea nodosa | Yellow hakea |
Hakea salicifolia | willow hakea |
Hakea suaveolens | sweet hakea |
Leptospermum Continentale | prickly tea tree |
Leptospermum lanigerum | wooly tea tree |
Leptospermum scoparuim | manuka |
Leptospermum obovatum | River tea tree |
Melaleuca decussata | cross leave honey myrtle |
Melaleuca diossmifoloia | green flowered honey myrtle |
Melaleuca ericifolia | swamp paper bark |
Melaleuca gibbosa | slender honey mrytle |
Melaleuca halmaturorum | salt paper bark |
Melaleuca lanceolata | moonah |
Melaleuca linariifolia | snow in summer |
Melaleuca neglecta | mallee honey myrtle |
Melaleuca squamea | swamp honey myrtle |
Melaleuca squarrosa | scented paperbark |
Melaleuca styphelioides | prickly paper bark |
Hakea Laurina | Pincushion/sea urchin |
Atriplex nummularia | salt bush |
Melaleuca amillaris | Bracelet Honeymyrtle |
Many native grasses
Copyright 2012 Hamilton Trees. All rights reserved.
11 b Kennedy Street
Hamilton, Victoria 3300
ph: 0429 608863
fax: 55721252